Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Spices in Sauces

There are no hard and fast rules with spices. Some like it hot, some not. Certain recipes lend themselves to hot and spicy and others are spiced in a more subtle way. Everyone can appreciate the use of spice in a sauce when used in an appropriate manner.

The soft rules of spice 

First,  buy good spices, quality is essential.

Second, When entertaining guests using to little spice is forgivable, using to much is not. You can always add a little more and simmer for a few more minutes, a much better proposition.

Third, this one should probably be first. DON’T BURN THE ONIONS! Slightly brown only with onions and garlic when pan frying.

Finally, soft whole green pepper corns only in the pepper sauce. Any other use of pepper should always be ground at the time never pre ground. Black ads a pungency to the recipe where the white is just hot. Ear ringing hot in the right quantities. We will discuss Chilli in a later blog.

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